Stray Reflections

Why Did God Create Evil

Why Did God Create Evil?

It’s a question that has puzzled theologians and philosophers for centuries: why did God create evil? Some might say that evil doesn’t exist at all, that it’s merely a construct of our own minds. Others might argue that evil is necessary for the existence of good. But what do I think of evil? Actually, it doesn’t really matter what I believe. What’s important is understanding WHY God might have created evil. And to do that, …

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quit job and still earn money

How To Quit My Job and Still Make Money?

So you’ve had enough of your nine-to-five, and you’re ready to quit, but before you hand in your notice, there’s one question you need to be very clear about – “how to quit my job and still make money?” Don’t worry; there are plenty of ways to make money even after you’ve quit your job. I have personally quit two jobs in my life, and I can tell you from experience that it is definitely …

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Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit

Creatio Ex Nihilo vs Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit

Is everything created from something? If yes, then where did ‘something’ come from? Creatio ex nihilo (Latin for “creation out of nothing”) is a philosophical and theological doctrine that affirms that God created the world out of nothing. Ex nihilo nihil fit (Latin for “out of nothing, nothing comes”) is a philosophical principle that states that nothing can come from nothing. The two concepts are often used in discussions about the origin of the Universe. …

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gandalf life lessons

Gandalf Taught Me This

I first watched The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit trilogies in the winter of 2015, and since then, I’ve watched them at least once a year. I never get tired of it. The characters, the setting, the story—it’s all so perfect. But I’ve always wondered how Gandalf, the old wizard, handles all those life-threatening, utterly terrifying, and dark situations with such grace. How is he able to be so wise in the face …

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